Productivity, organization, efficiency and
ambition have been part of my makeup and
vocabulary for a long time. I loved every
minute I spent in the corporate world in New
York, where I held roles ranging from
Executive Assistant to Manager of
Administration to Director of Operations.
But when my husband and I decided to move to
Florida, it was time for me to decide on the
path I was going to take.
working with a wonderful coach, Marilena
Beuses, Professional Organizer surfaced as
the logical choice. All of the skills that I
had developed in the corporate world were
the perfect foundation for this new career -
plus, I would get to help people reach their
goals. I can't imagine anything more
rewarding and fun than helping people get to
where they want to go.
And I love working with clients who have a
place they want to get to - who are
ambitious both in their professional and
personal aspirations. Clients who believe
that investing in their self-development is
as important as any other investment.
I continuously invest in myself, too. I
believe that keeping abreast of the latest
tools in time management and productivity,
and always learning new things translate
into richer services, coaching, and
solutions for my clients.
I am a member of NAPO (National Association
of Professional Organizers), and have
pledged to work within the guidelines of the
NAPO Code of Ethics to observe high
standards of honesty, integrity,
confidentiality, and responsibility.
When I am not working, I enjoy reading time
management, business, and self-development
books, watching my cat Goblin enjoy the sun
spot on the patio, and going out for Spanish
food (and sometimes salsa dancing!) with my
husband (and best friend) John.
Take the first step today:
Contact me to be considered for a
20-minute complimentary productivity
coaching session where we can find out
more about your goals and whether we’re a
good match, or to discuss which
productivity group training programs
might be a good fit for your company.
Background & Experience
- Operations,
Administration, and
IT background
- Microsoft
Specialist (MCAS) in
Outlook 2007
- NAPO (National
Association of
Organizers) training
- Clients include
entrepreneurs, small
business owners, and
corporate staff
I wanted to thank you so much for your
help with “organizing my brain”!
I was a little unsure how effective you
could be working on a remote basis but I
was immediately comfortable with the
process during our first session. You
made sure your suggestions were tailored
specifically to my needs and particular
challenges. Here are a few specific
areas that your help was invaluable:
- During our first call, I had 618
e-mails in my inbox. Once we
developed an efficient system for
managing each one as it arrives, I
now leave the office daily with 0
e-mails in my inbox
- You helped me develop a weekly
planning process that made sure I
was focusing on what was important
each week
- You provided the perfect solution
for me to replace numerous
spreadsheets with a an organized and
extremely effective system
- Even remotely, you were able to
provide some great ideas for the
layout of my office
I really appreciated the opportunity to
work with you and I look forward to a
regularly scheduled “tune up” to make
sure that I continue to build upon our
initial plan. Thanks for all your help.
Jim Vett RPh General Manager
Vanguard Advanced Pharmacy Systems
"In my line of work as
an Executive Coach and
OD Consultant, there is
quite a bit of
information being kept,
designed or stored.
Often times, this
information will sit on
my desk until “I can get
to it”! I was speaking
to a colleague of mine
about the need to not
only organize my office,
but I needed to organize
my filing system, the
way I set up files
electronically and the
overall atmosphere of my
office environment. That
colleague insisted I
contact Claudine. That
call changed my life. I
met an individual who
was not just an expert
in the field of
organizing an office or
a computer - Claudine
insisted on coming to my
home office, meeting my
wife and getting a true
sense of my working
environment. Claudine’s
gifts go well beyond her
skills in organizing.
Her spirit and energy
are contagious! She is
truly a gifted
individual and I would
highly recommend
Claudine whether you are
a sole proprietor or
small to medium size

John S. Arnold, Partner,
The Human Capital Group,
I really appreciate your
professionalism and
guidance today. Several
of your insights were
spot on and I'm going to
begin incorporating them
into my business
process. Especially
salient were your
observations about
taking the time to step
back and evaluate
opportunities (vs.
making reactive
decisions,) as well as
utilizing a longer time
horizon when tackling
bigger projects. Your
points were both well
received, well
articulated and
actionable. Please feel
free to use me as a
reference for your
future clients.

Phil Davis, President,
Tungsten Branding
Dear Claudine,
What a pleasure it was
to meet with you for our
coaching session. I was
quite hesitant at the
start of our session,
but your calm and
outgoing manner put me
at ease instantly.
I never would have
guessed that time
management would help me
not only be more
efficient but also pave
the way for me to
realize I wasn't making
time for me. Thank you
ever so much for helping
me to move past this
area in my life which
was causing me to
sabotage my success and
my life mission.
Carrying around the
excess weight, with the
lowered self image due
to not being able to
successfully lose the
weight and keep it off
has been a real burden
for me. Thanks for
helping to move me
forward and to identify
the underlying issues
and for giving me the
tools to conquer this
area of my life which
was causing me extreme
Your patience, empathy
and willingness to make
me dig deep within
myself, however painful,
were the key to helping
me to conquer this
With the goal setting
tools and system you
helped me to develop I
am on my way to
conquering this problem.
As a matter of fact, I'm
happy to report that I
have stuck to my
commitment on Tuesdays
each week, and have lost
15 lbs to date. Plus,
those same tools and new
habits have served me
well for many other
challenges too. I'm
always going to be
incredibly busy, but now
I can stay on top of
everything I need to do
and not forget me in the
I feel more balanced and
I am getting so much
more done. This is a
great encouragement to
me and I thank you from
the bottom of my heart.
You have truly helped to
change my life, and in
the process, to change
the lives of countless
others that I will meet
and interact with.
Thank you, thank you and
thanks again. You are an
awesome coach!

Myrna Brooks, Founder &
Director, LifeWorks
"Claudine's help was
extremely valuable. I
didn't realize how much
time I was wasting by
getting distracted with
all the things calling
for my attention… now I
know how to plan my day
around what's really
important and I'm
getting so much more
done. We also worked on
some of the areas that
were always draining my
time, like customer
inquiries on my website…
but with some simple
changes, that is running
quicker and smoother so
it saves me a lot of
time every day. I am
just more clear, more
focused, more organized
- plus, I started
exercising again!
Claudine's coaching was
one of the best things I
did for myself, and my

Iya Tsylakova, Owner,
Iya MedSkin Care
"Just one hour on the
phone with Claudine set
my business off in new,
profitable directions.
Claudine didn't impose
some pre-set plan on me
– she worked with me to
streamline a couple of
key systems I have in
place, which cut the
time I was spending on
some processes in half.
We tweaked some of my
own inefficiencies too –
and I can now focus on
what needs to be done to
continue to grow my
business. I highly
recommend her."

Chris Sands, Owner,
"Claudine’s presentation
to my sales team was
right on target. Sales
are a tough business and
Claudine did an
excellent job in getting
them to think about
where they need to step
up their focus. As
Regional Sales
Coordinator, I found
particularly effective
that the tips she gave
weren’t just general
time management tips,
but that she focused on
the end result: making
more sales. I would
recommend Claudine if
you want a
personable, and
motivating speaker.”
Dee Mauldin AFLAC Regional Sales
“Claudine’s presentation
to our group was not
only inspirational and
executed with precision,
she also left us with
useful information that
we could put into action
immediately. It is far
too often that a
presenter just leaves
you with only a cloudy
feeling of possibility.
Claudine, on the other
hand, gave us practical,
implementable tools to
improve our productivity
and our lives.”
Kristin Chamberlin, M.S. IO Psychologist Director Professional
Women of the Palm
“What a terrific and
dynamic presentation –
the group got a lot out
of it. As a Mary Kay
Director I am always
looking for ways to help
these consultants stay
motivated, effective and
organized – your
strategies on everything
from how to manage their
paperwork, their workday
and tasks, to how to set
up their offices were
excellent. You are
really good at what you
Sandy Koffman, Mary Kay
“Working from a home
office can be a
challenge in so many
ways. The solutions you
gave us for structuring
not only our work but
also our other demands
like housekeeping chores
were incredibly helpful
and simple to put into
effect – I am looking
forward to putting them
to use. I liked the tips
you gave for managing
our paper piles, too.”
Sue Luck, Mary Kay
“Great content and
observations – will
definitely apply the
ideas you talked about
for prioritizing,
planning, and
implementing tasks.”
Felipe Martinez, Real
Estate Consultant
“Your talk really got me
to think about the key
activities in my
business and to define
what my priorities are.
Very good and helpful.”
Perla Thomas, Financial
Services Professional
"Thanks a million for
your magnificent
presentation on time
management. We got
excellent feedback from
all the participants –
every one of them had
something positive to
say. Your presentation
was motivating, packed
with techniques that
people could implement,
and truly excellent all
around – thank you!"
Emma Del Real –
Director, NetHispanos
"The workshop was
fantastic - I continue
to put into daily
practice what I learned
from it. The idea of
breaking down big goals
into simpler goals and
scheduling these simpler
goals into my planner as
appointments was one of
the most eye-opening for
Kim Neuparth, Paralegal,
Student, Volunteer & Mom
"The workshop was a 9+ -
very informative,
systematic, and spoke to
the true issues behind
my time management
Cheryl Glass
"As an entrepreneur
starting my own
business, the workshop
motivated me and taught
me how to prioritize my
tasks right out of the
Cheryl Hallett
"I am currently looking
to go for my MBA in the
fall and I found the
course to be extremely
useful from a time
management perspective.
And Claudine's
suggestion to ask
ourselves if the goals
we set out to accomplish
are what we really want,
if we're really
committed to that goal
was an aha moment for me
- I had never done that
Sheila Clergé
"I worked with Claudine
on various projects for
the Holocaust Memorial
and Tolerance Center of
Nassau County. At the
time, she was overseeing
our current Chairman's
various business
ventures. When she wrote
to tell me that she had
become a Time Management
and Productivity Coach,
I couldn't help but
think that this was the
perfect path for her to
embark on. I cannot say
enough about Claudine -
her initiative,
follow-through, business
savvy and organization
skills are outstanding.
So although I've never
worked with her in a
time management
capacity, I have no
reservations saying that
she will deliver quality
Marlene Ostroff Director of Operations Holocaust Memorial and
Tolerance Center of
Nassau County
"I employed Claudine for
slightly over 10 years.
During that time she
held a variety of
positions of increased
culminating in a Manager
of Operations role that
spanned across a variety
of business ventures.
Claudine was excellent
at improving and
creating systems and
procedures to make our
operations more
effective and efficient,
as well as getting
people on board in
implementing these
systems. Based on what I
know about Claudine, I
would highly recommend
her for any situation
where you're looking to
improve efficiency and

Howard Maier Chairman Holocaust Memorial and
Tolerance Center of
Nassau County
P.S.: Don’t
forget to
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at the top
of the page!
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tips to save
time, get
and improve
every month
– plus, as a
bonus you
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acerca de
programas de
para la
de su
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manejo y la
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